A neutral third-party


I can provide a constructive space for two or more parties to resolve disputes and reach mutual understanding

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a structured process in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, assists two or more parties in resolving a dispute or conflict through a series of meetings – both individually and together.

The mediator helps the parties communicate more effectively, explore their underlying interests and needs, and find solutions together.

The mediator does not take sides, judge, or offer solutions or advice. Instead, the mediator facilitates dialogue, enabling the parties to move away from a position of feeling hurt and threatened, to instead, being able to hear the perspective of each other, to understand one another’s interests and needs, and to communicate with patience, empathy and respect. In doing so, the parties are empowered to begin to think creatively and collaboratively, to explore possible ways forward and to reach a voluntary, mutually acceptable agreement.

The Key Principals of Mediation

It is voluntary – parties engaging in mediation must do so voluntarily, willingly, and enter into the process with an open mind.

It is self-determined – This means that the parties are responsible for finding their own solutions. Any mediation agreement is not imposed by the mediator.

It is confidential – Everything discussed in mediation is confidential – so the conversations do not inform or influence any other processes (complaints, grievances etc) or legal proceedings. Mediation is intended to provide a safe space for the parties to speak openly and honestly, without fear of anything they say being shared elsewhere.

It is non-judgemental and non-blaming – Mediation does not focus on establishing who is right or who is wrong, who started it, or who is at fault. Instead, the focus is on being heard, understanding one another’s perspectives, and working together to find a solution.

How can I help?

I bring over 15 years of experience in community, housing, workplace, and SEND mediation, in the voluntary, private and public sectors.

I am experienced in two party and multi-party disputes. My aim is always to bring the parties together within a joint meeting where possible, either in person or online, however I am also experienced in shuttle mediation, in which the parties remain in separate spaces, and the mediator enables dialogue by ‘shuttling’ between them.

You can also find out more about SEND mediation via Global Mediation, with whom I am an associate mediator.

If you would like to know more about the type of mediation that I offer, get in touch so that we can arrange a convenient time to speak.

What people say

PW was an amazing mediator. She facilitated a meeting which enabled all parties to put their views across and allowed each person time. Her manner was calming and much appreciated. This was a beneficial process and completely without pressure with thanks to the style that the meeting was conducted.

School SENDCO, March 2021, SEND mediation


Polly was amazing. She ensured everybody had their say and she made sure I put my point across. She remained impartial the whole time. She picked up on the body language of people who wanted to speak and made sure they were able to. She made sure all the points were clarified.

Parent, April 2021, SEND mediation


Polly did really well to manage a face to face meeting with one participant attending virtually. All could see and be seen and the conversation was full and enabled an action plan to be developed in the same way as if everyone was accessing the meeting via the same means. A helpful meting to clarify points of view and find a way forward.

Local Authority Representative, December 2022, SEND mediation


I cannot fault our mediator. I feel she offered us a high quality service of which she was very qualified to do and that she possessed all the qualities required to be successful in the role. I would highly recommend her. I was pleasantly surprised about how supportive and empathetic our meditator was. I immediately felt more relaxed about the meeting once we had spoken. I felt I could trust her and I felt less alone in the situation.

Parent, July 2023, SEND Mediation